Saturday 19 September 2015

Happy Water..It makes me happy!

Okay its odd I know! But I was sent a coupon for a 5L box of water, Happy Water. What?! So I decided to drink the whole box before I wrote a review. Well here we are quite a few days after the box was put out in the recycling box. So heres the deal! Its a box that fits nicely in your fridge, and it has a spout on it so you don't have to remove it from the fridge to get a drink! The water is crisp and clean and extremely refreshing. It doesn't have a disgusting taste to it like city tap water does (Im a country girl well water is my first love!) I got it for free but here in Ontario you can go to your local Sobeys grocery store and look for it in the drink isle. Its $10 for 5L which I found is the ONLY downfall. It can be frozen and taken on long trips (goodbye sugary drinks for the kidlets when they get thirsty!) or it can be taken onto the sports field! Its handy and I can tell you this water didn't last a whole weekend! It was gone in under 4 days.

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