Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Muscle Stimulator and Pain Relief TENS Pulse Massager

Okay tough love post. I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review so here it is.

First of all it comes in a cute clear plastic case. Second it has no wires. It is thin and flexible. So here comes the tough love. I cannot for the life of me figure out how this thing works. I have read the instructions and then re-read them. I find that it is not simple to use, I wish it was because I love the idea of it. When I turn it on it works for a few seconds. I charged it for 6 hours and it does not seem to want to change the frequency setting.

Here is the link if you would like to check it out yourself!

I`m frustrated and I wish I knew how to use it properly.

Sunday, 27 August 2017

Easy@Home Professional Grade TENS Unit Electronic Pulse Massager

Have you ever had sore aching muscles and pain killers were just not doing the trick? Yes me too. It is the worst. Well I have hooked up 5 people including myself to this lovely product and we have all had wonderful experiences! I had men, women, girls and boys hooked up to this and I can say that it is amazing. I have used it while dealing with menstrual cramps and let me tell you no pain relieving pill has ever done the work that this amazing machine can do. I love it. It also comes in a black carrying case and it makes it so easy to take with you places.

My mom has wore this while preparing dinner in the kitchen. Its so amazing I even put it on my autistic little brother and he loved it.

Here is the link to buy it:

Im going to ask the company if they would be willing to give me a discount code for all of my followers because many people have asked where they can buy it.

It is rechargeable and the pads are also reusable and when they dont stick anymore then thats when you need to buy more.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Hypnosis Ninja Changing Your Relationship with Food

So this is one where I will be coming back and doing an update. I downloaded the Hypnosis Ninja Changing Your Relationship with Food. I`ve listened to it partially but have not had the time to sit down and listen to the whole thing all at once.  So far I haven't noticed a difference yet but I am looking forward to some positive results!!!

Okay so here is the update:
 I have an eating disorder and I listened to this once and I`m not sure if I will listen to it again. I do not recommend this if you have an eating disorder. I do however highly recommend the sleep one that they have on their website!

 If you want to try this out as well go to https://www.hypnosisninja.com/food-relationship I did very much enjoy the sleep one and I would highly recommend that one.